Chyba generovani
Chyba pri spousteni prikazu : include "travel_search_tour"
Chyba ve vkladane sablone: travel_search_tour
Chyba pri spousteni prikazu : init [$search_result$]=_searchres
Nastala chyba pri inicializaci promenne search_result:
SQL: select distinct w_active_product.product_id, product_detail.* from w_active_product join product_detail on w_active_product.product_id=product_detail.product_id join schedule on w_active_product.product_id = schedule.product_id where product_detail.d_show = 1 and product_detail.quantity > 0 and w_active_product.product_type_id in (4) and schedule.date_use >=getdate()

SQL: select distinct w_active_product.product_id, product_detail.* from w_active_product join product_detail on w_active_product.product_id=product_detail.product_id join schedule on w_active_product.product_id = schedule.product_id where product_detail.d_show = 1 and product_detail.quantity > 0 and w_active_product.product_type_id in (4) and schedule.date_use >=getdate()
Error: com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybSQLException: schedule not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).